Feedback from our Members
We think that the Cllr Development is a fantastic event but don't just take our word for it! Each year we ask our members to let us know what they thought about attending the Cllr Development Weekend. Here's what your fellow councillors and candidates had to say…..
"Loved it! Thank you!"
"A brilliant development weekend that has really contributed to a different mindset.... winning is possible and now we know exactly how to do it. What we thought we knew had relevance... but now we have powerful and proven techniques that has clarified the objectives and will improve the way we operate in the future. Being able to mix and discuss various topics with experienced and motivated Councillors has re-energised us... that is priceless! I will definitely attend again. Thank you once again."
"I really did enjoy it very much."
"A very good weekend training session which I found beneficial and a great opportunity to gain insight from experienced Councillors holding workshops and also fellow attendees."
"As someone who isn't a councillor and planning to stand in the May elections, I found the weekend extremely useful and insightful. I came away having learnt so much."
"It is here that you meet colleagues who have the same problems and issues that a councillor finds in their own authority."